2nd International Workshop on Use Case Modeling (WUsCaM-05)

Use Cases in Model-Driven Software Engineering

Programme & Schedule

Instructions to speakers

The workshop organizers will provide a laptop computer for projection purposes, with Microsoft PowerPoint 2000, USB and CD-ROM devices. Floppy disks or other kinds of media are discouraged since the computer at the room may not be able to read them.


Speakers can use their own laptops for their presentations. However, in order to save time during the presentations, we prefer to use only one laptop for the whole workshop, and we strongly encourage you to send your presentations via email to Hernán Astudillo (hernan {at) acm.org), until Wednesday, September 28th. Please make sure your presentation file is fully self-contained and, no need to say, virus-free.


Each speaker will be allocated a slot of 30 minutes for his/her presentation, with a maximum of 15 minutes for the presentation, so that enough time is allowed for questions and discussion.

Morning – Paper presentations

Session 1 (08:30-10:00)

·        Workshop Chair. Welcome

·        Guy Genilloud, William F. Frank, Gonzalo Génova. Use Cases, Actions, and Roles

·        Rogardt Heldal. Use Cases are more than System Operations


Coffee break (10:00-10:30)


Session 2 (10:30-12:30)

·        Claudia López, Hernán Astudillo. Use case- and Scenario-based Approach to Represent NFRs and Architectural Policies

·        Hassan Gomaa, Erika Mir Olimpiew. The Role of Use Cases in Requirements and Analysis Modeling

·        Michal Smialek. Can Use Cases Drive Software Factories?

·        Jon Whittle. Specifying Precise Use Cases with Use Case Charts


Lunch (12:30-14:00)

Afternoon – Discussion

Session 3 (14:00-15:30)

  • Presentation of discussion points
  • General discussion


Coffee break (15:30-16:00)


Session 4 (16:00-18:00)

  • Suggestions for final report on workshop
  • Group pictures and farewell