Modeling and Metamodeling in Model Driven Development

Doctorate Seminar

Department of Electrical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology,

Warsaw, May 14-15, 2009


Gonzalo Génova

ggenova AT inf DOT uc3m DOT es

Knowledge Reuse Group, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


(Invited by Prof. Michał Śmiałek)



Seminar notice (in polish)

The concepts of model and metamodel are central to Model Driven Development. Understanding the foundations of modeling and metamodeling is then essential to build and use modeling tools and MDD transformation tools. The purpose of the seminar is to illustrate some fundamental concepts of models and metamodels, and the OMG metamodeling infrastructure, as well as some more specific problems found in the current UML metamodel. A basic knowledge of UML is commendable in participants, although not absolutely essential.


Initial questionnaire

1. What is a model: syntax and semantics

2. On the difference between analysis and design models

3. What is a metamodel: the OMG's metamodeling infrastructure

4. Metamodeling directed relationships in UML


The scientific ones:

§      Politechnika

§      What is a metamodel

§      Every map has a legend

§      This is not a pipe